Webtuu is a new website dedicated to answering specific questions that webmasters often have related to SEO issues, HTML/CSS issues, Adsense and so on. I'll be keeping this blog updated with all the latest developments and posts on Webtuu and also with my progress as I build this site. I'll be using it primarily as a place to post deep links from.

I hope you get something out of reading this blog and if you're feeling generous then I'm always willing to accept one way links! Check my progress @ webtuu.com

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Monday 5 October 2009

Problems encountered, problems overcome!

I've been on and off the site recently but I managed to fix one problem I wasn't sure about. For some reason all the text and everything else in the main content area was being made into a link, pointing to the same place as on of the links in the horizontal navbar. I quickly discovered I had left out the closing tag for that link in the navbar - problem solved!

I've found that if you do a little fiddling around with the sites code for a period of time and then you go for a period without working on the site at all, its pretty hard to remember the layout of things and you quickly forget what you've done with the code. It helps to leave comments for as many things as you can in the code, it saves a lot of trouble in the long run.

Aside from that problem I still have to figure out the page length problem and finalize the layout of the site before I start adding more content. Whenever I didn't feel like working on the website itself I thought my time would be best spent creating new content which I could post later when I might not have much time to make new articles. This ensures the site is seen to be adding fresh content on as regular a basis as possible which Google should make note of.