Webtuu is a new website dedicated to answering specific questions that webmasters often have related to SEO issues, HTML/CSS issues, Adsense and so on. I'll be keeping this blog updated with all the latest developments and posts on Webtuu and also with my progress as I build this site. I'll be using it primarily as a place to post deep links from.

I hope you get something out of reading this blog and if you're feeling generous then I'm always willing to accept one way links! Check my progress @ webtuu.com

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Thursday 15 August 2013

Disqus Implementation

Recently I wrote about installing disqus on my blog.  I've been trialling it for a few days now and I'm liking it, really liking it.  No, really!  Maybe one month ago I was contemplating installing it, but as I was in a hurried mood for some reason, I misread a post on the disqus website and thought I would have to pay for disqus - so, naturally I said "screw that" to that!  Went back to their website again and realized I did not have to pay (...or pirate the software somehow.  Just kidding.) so, I promptly got that thing installed!

Next on my list, write a couple more useful articles about disqus, vbulletin, wordpress - just things I've learned since I started playing around on the web, many years ago.  Keep your ears to the ground.

Friday 9 August 2013

Vbulletin issues

I've spent the last 6 or so years of my life running a vbulletin forum, and along the way I've learnt a lot about the community software.  I'll try to write about the most common and infuriating problems I came across (and found solutions to) over at my main site to hopefully help any newcomers to the software.  Most of the issues I came across are very well documented anyway but in never hurts to have another opinion of how to fix a problem logged on the internet.

The latest issue I've blogged about is the problem of users not receiving activation emails, an annoying one if you're trying to build a new community only to find out that your users can't even register, after putting all the initial effort into getting them to your site in the first place!