Webtuu is a new website dedicated to answering specific questions that webmasters often have related to SEO issues, HTML/CSS issues, Adsense and so on. I'll be keeping this blog updated with all the latest developments and posts on Webtuu and also with my progress as I build this site. I'll be using it primarily as a place to post deep links from.

I hope you get something out of reading this blog and if you're feeling generous then I'm always willing to accept one way links! Check my progress @ webtuu.com

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Monday 5 October 2009

Problems encountered, problems overcome!

I've been on and off the site recently but I managed to fix one problem I wasn't sure about. For some reason all the text and everything else in the main content area was being made into a link, pointing to the same place as on of the links in the horizontal navbar. I quickly discovered I had left out the closing tag for that link in the navbar - problem solved!

I've found that if you do a little fiddling around with the sites code for a period of time and then you go for a period without working on the site at all, its pretty hard to remember the layout of things and you quickly forget what you've done with the code. It helps to leave comments for as many things as you can in the code, it saves a lot of trouble in the long run.

Aside from that problem I still have to figure out the page length problem and finalize the layout of the site before I start adding more content. Whenever I didn't feel like working on the website itself I thought my time would be best spent creating new content which I could post later when I might not have much time to make new articles. This ensures the site is seen to be adding fresh content on as regular a basis as possible which Google should make note of.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Webtuu progress

Well, been two weeks since I updated the blog, thats because its been two weeks since I did anything on the site.

Not entirely true but not much time has been spent on the site. I set up the hosting and just used the godaddy economy package for now, hopefully I will need to move to the deluxe package in a few months and then to a better, VPS server with a smaller but easier to deal with hosting company.

I've designed the rough layout of the site on wordpress, designed a simple but pro header with a logo. If any of my many fans or followers want to check my progress, just go to www.webtuu.com.

With the basics layout out of the way, my main problemo right now is figuring out the best url structure. I want to have www.site.com/category/page-title but it seems the only way to do that is to have pages instead of posts. Nothing wrong with posts but I don't want to feel like its a blog. Posts also save a lot of manual work as they link to each other quite efficiently in wordpress, pages do not. I think I'm just going to go with pages and manually link each one with links I feel are most relevant.

Monday 31 August 2009

Day Two

Day Two: T minus unknown until D-Day.

Well, all I managed to do tonight was, not a lot. The fact that I'm quite tired after staying up too late last night and that my hands are covered in blisters after using a hammer non-stop in my summer job didn't help - another reason to try and make this site a success!

What I did manage to do, apart from the daily...well, hourly check up on my forum, was to find out what I'm going to do tomorrow! I already have an SEO blog that I set up a few months ago for a few reasons but really just for the sake of having it and letting it gain some time as a domain. This blog gets a measly 10-20 hits per day so why I still have it on £ 6.95 hosting I do not know, lazieness perhaps.

Anyway, I figured it would be a good idea to move the SEO blog to some free hosting package for now and move Webtuu to the cheap paid hosting package, makes sense. That should take all of 10 minutes to do and then I'll be able to upload Wordpress to the server and start creating havoc with webpages, see you tomorrow!

Sunday 30 August 2009

Webtuu Launch

Well, first post here, need to pad this place out a bit!

So I'm about to start a website that will be my main and largest project to date. The plan is to start a webmasters site, with information to help new webmasters in their ventures across the internet! Now, I've only been a webmaster myself for a few years but I feel I've learnt an awful lot in that time, most of it being SEO. Unfortunately the amount I've learnt can be seen by looking at my grades in university.

The plan is to put all I've learnt SEO-wise, into this new website. What I put into it, content and seo, has to be good enough for others to read and to be able to compete with other sites. It should be a mission and a half but hopefully I won't have to compete that much if I focus on long-tail keywords and put in a lot of hard work!

This site, Webtuu, will be my second project so far. My first project was started this time last year where a friend and I launched a forum for fans of Japanese Anime. Currently the forum has almost 3000 members, and over 100,000 posts, so I wouldn't say it was a failure, although not a massive success either. I hope to keep that running in the background but I thought it was time to start something big by myself, there are complications when running a site between two people and its hard to make it work sometimes.

The purpose of this blog is the same as any other really, I'll be providing updates to what I'm doing with Webtuu and also, the main purpose initially, is to provide deep links to the site. I'm going to try and add 1 page a day to the site, one page that targets long tail keywords. Hopefully this way I'll be able to see results quicker but it will require more work in the content creation department.

Today, my main goal was to get the ball rolling. After days of thinking up a suitable domain I bought the domain Webtuu with .com extension as well as .net and .org since godaddy insisted I did, couldn't hurt I guess. I'm also setting up a new twitter account and syncing it with tweetlater and twitterfeed, both extremely handy tools I've found. The plan for the rest of the week is to write a few articles after I decide on the site structure, then sort out some cheap hosting if I have time. After I fill the site to a level that it gives off an active feel rather than a chernobyl feel, I'm going to have to start begging a few webmasters for one way links!

Wish me luck! :)